So it was with considerable interest that I read about the founders of Sipura starting up a fresh new venture to build easy-to-use VoIP hardware for Everyman. Their new company, Obihai Technology, manufactures what can be regarded as the technological and spiritual successor to the PAP2T-NA, and it offers lots of additional functionalities and service possibilities, including such service possibilities as Google Voice and their own associated calling service, OBiTalk. They even offer apps for iOS and Android devices.
Lots of possibilities there. Plus, the company is fully supportive of "Bring Your Own Device" (aka roll-your-own) VoIP. Which makes their new adaptor ideal for a review here.
The OBi110 is available at Amazon |
The company kindly provided their compact OBi110 adaptor for me to play with. It's about the same size as the PAP2T-NA, meaning about the size of two packs of playing cards. Connection could not be simpler: there's a cable to attach to your router, and a port for your phone (connected, in my case, to my home's phone wiring.) This model has an additional port for connection to a conventional phone line if you still have phone-company service; in that case the unit will switch between both services intelligently. The whole purpose of our VoIP adventure is to eliminate that and its monthly costs, so that port is not connected to anything in our case.
As with any device of this breed, there's an impressive array of parameters-- some might say bewildering. Fortunately, very few of these need fiddling when setting up with a VoIP wholesaler. I'm a happy customer, and that company provides a simple and helpful guide to setting the very few parameters that need changing.
The OBi110's web interface is clean and sparse, and it's easy to navigate since it uses a familiar expandable-tree motif for organization.
For use with my account (whose setup I documented in my very first post on roll-your-own VoIP, here) only my (sub)account number and my selected server address needed to be entered. A small quirk: you must uncheck the "Default" box to the right of any box you fill in, and you must scroll down to the bottom of any page you modify and click the "Submit" button before navigating to a new page. In the example shown, I unchecked the Default box and typed in the identifier for the specific subaccount (i.e., phone-line) that I'd configured on the site for use with my home line. In my case, this identifier is "[MyAccountNumber]_home". Scroll down, click submit. On clicking the submit button, a notice appears that the change has been stored but the device must be rebooted for it to take effect. Okay, point noted: there's a "Return" button to send you back so you can make more settings. One simply iterates to enter in the required settings on each page, then submits that page, then return, and so on until all the needed settings have been entered. Finally, there's a reboot button. Click that, and within a few seconds your new settings will have engaged.
For, the sum total of your settings is:
- You enter their server address in two places,
- Your (sub)account number in two places, and
- Your password in one place.
- If you're smart, you'll change the OBi110's web password.
- Finally, recommends going to the Physical Interfaces page and setting the Phone Port to default to SP1, meaning the service provider (in my case, set up in the first step. There are fancier options as well.
Throughout, the OBi110's setup pages offer little question-mark symbols which, when you hover over with a mouse, provide definitions and hints. That is a huge step forward for newbies and those wanting to stay afloat in the sea of VoIP acronyms.
Here's a specific example illustrating how much friendlier the OBi110 is versus the older PAP2T-NA design. Like most people, I'm sure you've been annoyed at the fiddling the U.S. Congress and other governments have been doing with Daylight Savings Time. In the past few years there have been several changes which our digital gizmos need to accommodate. In the case of the PAP2T-NA, you can accommodate Congress' creativity by typing-in arcane character strings to define the begin and end time of your region's time-change:
...Easy! Except, that format might look puzzling. No problem, just hover over the question-mark symbol, and up pops the information you need:
Pop-up help and definitions represent a significant step forward in usability |
All told: armed with' instructions, it took me less than five minutes to get the OBi110 set up.
We've been using this system for a while now and have been entirely satisfied with the sound quality and ease-of-use of the OBi110. Firmware updates couldn't be easier: if you're taking advantage of the OBiTalk service (which I haven't yet explored), the process can proceed automatically with a couple of clicks. Or, go to Obihai's support page and download the firmware from there. Follow the instructions-- any computer and any browser running on any operating system can perform the update. That's as it should be.
Summarizing: the OBi100/110 adaptors are my new top recommendations for homes and small businesses needing a single phone line. The OBi110 has unusually flexible capabilities for bridging a variety of telephony technologies ranging from VoIP wholesalers like and Callcentric to Google Voice and even your legacy phone service, so your single phone line can partake of the best and cheapest technologies. These adaptors are easy and quick to set up and are agnostic towards your computer and OS. Once set up, no computer is needed for everyday use. These units are inexpensive to purchase and well-supported, and designed by people whose past work remains well-regarded and has stood the test of time.
UPDATE: A correspondent asks if the Obihai adaptor is compatible with the live VoIP-status monitoring trick I documented in another post. Answer: Sure-- that trick queries the server and does not interact in any way with the adaptor.
UPDATE: As is typical of analog telephone adaptors, the OBi110 provides a wealth of flexibility for configuring how outgoing calls are dialed and routed, for example among its various ports. Importantly, its default configuration routes 911 calls to the plain-old-telephone-service (POTS) line, which it assumes is connected. But since the whole point of Roll-Your-Own-VoIP is to get rid of POTS services and all their costs, the OBi110's default configuration needs to be changed to route 911 calls properly. (This also assumes you have subscribed for your VoIP provider--e.g., provide "e911" capability, which automatically sends your address to your local emergency services provider. Now, the practice in the industry is to specify the call routing via strings of characters, which gives a lot of flexibility at the cost of incomprehensibility. In the case of the Sipura/Linsys/Cisco PAP2T, these strings are called "call plans"; in the case of the OBi110 they're called "DigitMaps" and there are several of them. For most situations the one you'll want to modify is the OutboundCallRoute one. Open up the OBi110's configuration webpage and navigate through Physical Interfaces -> PHONE Port -> OutboundCallRoute. In this field you'll see a bunch of rules, each contained in {curly braces}. Look for the one which states, "(<#:>|911):li" ...What this tells the OBi110 is: "If the number dialed is '911', dial it out the POTS (line) port." Change "li" to "sp1" and it will dial your 911 call over your VoIP service provider instead.